5 tips for a great beer bike tour

It doesn’t matter if you’re on a trip with your friends or on a family holiday to Budapest: a beer bike tour is fun either way, even on special occasions like team building parties or bachelorette nights! From afar it probably seems like beer bikes are floating islands of freedom and happiness, which is true… partially. They definitely have some rules to follow, and there are other tips you probably want to know about before renting a bar that rolls – and rocks, obviously. Read more

Easter / Passover Holiday 2018


On Good Friday as it is the law the stores and malls are closed on this day. Smaller seven-eleven stores, restaurants and cafes should be open as usual.

Museums and thermal baths – No closures – normal opening hours
Dohany Synagogue is closed.
Grand Central Market is closed
Opera tours are operating (2.00pm, 3:00pm,4.00pm, 5.00pm tours in English and Spanish, 3.00pm, 4.00pm, 5.00pm tours in French and Italian)
Parliament is open.8:00am- 4:00pm.
Street vendors sell Easter souvenirs and traditional Easter snacks around the center. Read more

Budapest Spring Festival 2018

We love spring because the weather gets nicer after the cold winter, trees become greener and flowers start blooming, but there is another reason why we like this season: the Budapest Spring Festival. Read more

March 15th in Hungary

You’re walking around the streets of Budapest and it’s the 15 th of March. There are people everywhere with red-white and green Hungarian flags in their hands or pinned up on their coats, commemorations, celebrations are going on everywhere, most of the shops are closed and you wonder why. Let us tell you! Read more

Carnival Season and Busójárás in Hungary

There is something special happening on the Hungarian countryside in February. Read on for more details about the ‘Busójárás’!  You must know about Carnival, a Western  christian and Greek Orthodox festive season that typically occurs in February or early March, before the liturgical season of Lent. Carnival normally involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus and a public street party, and people wear masks and costumes. But have you heard about ‘Farsang’ or ‘Busójárás’ which takes place on the Hungarian countryside (on the south, close to the now Croatian and Serbian borders), in a city called Mohács?

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Warm and cosy breakfast places for winter mornings

If the weather turns freezing on a winter morning, what would make you feel better than a warm & delicious breakfast in a cosy restaurant or bakery? We have collected some places for you located in the heart of Budapest! Read more

Christmas market time in Budapest

It is not December yet, but our biggest and some smaller Christmas markets in Budapest have already opened their gates to visitors. If you are one of the those who cannot wait this part of the year when the smell of hot wine, chocolate and gingerbread flies across the whole city, you will be at the right place if you come to Vörösmarty square (the meeting point of our free walking tours) where the main Christmas market of Budapest has started. This one has been organized every year since 1998 and has become the favourite of thousands of us Hungarians and travellers, too.


From the 10 th of November until the 28 th of December you can find the Crafts Market open and from the same date until the 31 st of December you can fill you belly with delicious Hungarian (and non-Hungarian) food and sweets. At the Crafts Market Hungarian artists, designers, tailors, blacksmiths and so on sell their hand-made products, so do not miss it!

The Market on Vörösmarty square makes it a little harder to get to our meeting point, but you can find us every day at the set times next to the building of the Gerbeaud café, next to the stage and the Lion fountain. Before our free walking tours start, you can always find our guides in their royal blue jackets on the square. Come join us, do your Budapest sightseeing with our lovely guides!

August 20th – National Holiday in Hungary

If you are in Budapest in August, more specifically on the 20th, you might wonder what Hungarian people celebrate on this day… find it our from our blog article!

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3 beaches in Budapest to cool yourself down in the summer heat

Our beloved, but sometimes boiling hot summer has arrived. Doing your Budapest sightseeing on our free walking tours is great, but after the tours you sure want to cool down somewhere, so let’s see some of the best beaches in Budapest where you can relax, have a drink, a bite and a good time.

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Summer Festivals in Hungary

It’s never early enough to start planning your summer. If you’re planning to visit Hungary and Budapest during this beautiful and warm season, you definitely shouldn’t miss some of our summer festivals! Let us introduce you to some of them. Read more